Noisevember was a failure. That's just the reality. After such a successful October with the Rocktober-Inktober double pivot, hopes were high that Noisevember would be an exciting month as well. And while November wasn't a bad month as far as months go, Noisevember had terrible execution in its implementation. I am not too big to admit it. The gimmick just didn't pay off. As the old saying goes: "you win some, you lose some." Balance.
The thing I've learned over the last few months on the road trip of life © is that our the road trip of life ©s are made up of both victories and defeats. You shouldn't ignore stretches of highway that are bumpy or under construction. They are all part of the journey--the refreshing scenic vistas and the congested smog-infused concrete jungles. For example, without the time I spent in jail (a failure), where would I be today? Low points can be high points, or at the very least help set us up for reaching the high points ahead. And when there's this much road stretching out before you*, there's no time to get too hung up looking in the rearview mirror.
Adventure awaits.
*I estimate a minimum of 82 more years for me personally.