there are 5 days remaining until the 6 month anniversary of frank's new blog. we are having a party, and you are invited. hope to see you here!
Thursday, May 31, 2018
loyal reader of the month: may
there are 5 days remaining until the 6 month anniversary of frank's new blog. we are having a party, and you are invited. hope to see you here!
Wednesday, May 30, 2018
multi-level marketing miniseries: by the numbers
first, we are happy to report that, across the board, the data collected shows 100% of respondents gained a greater understanding of multi-level marketing through the miniseries. not only that, all respondents felt that, after the miniseries, they had achieved a high (master) level of understanding. wow. incredible feedback. we at fnb are happy our efforts can have an impact on this kind of scale.
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
the thing about summer
today I found myself a little annoyed at myself that I purchased those birkenstock sandals, signaling the start of summer. in doing so, I also inadvertently invited the biting menace to return. today I was out enjoying the outdoors and the summer sun (a great way to spend the day--I definitely recommend it to you), but unfortunately I've been inundated with mosquito bites. swelling, growing mosquito bites.
then I got to thinking. a mosquito doesn't choose to be a mosquito any more than I choose to be a human. which is to say, not at all. they are just trying to eat to survive. that said, a mosquito also can't make something cool. they simply don't have the necessary creativity aspect. birds are creative. birds make cool things. they build nests, stack sticks. collect trinkets. and birds need to eat. and some of them eat mosquitoes. so I guess mosquitoes can hang around even though their bites are annoying.
luckily they haven't been itching too much.
there are 7 days remaining until the 6 month anniversary of frank's new blog. we are having a party, and you are invited. hope to see you here!
Monday, May 28, 2018
the customer
interesting, I guess. but try this one instead: "the customer always thinks they are right."
because let's be honest, the customer isn't always right. sometimes they are wrong on accident. sometimes they are wrong on purpose (unforgivable). but, it is important to approach business knowing that the customer thinks they are right. it gives you a leg up as you can have empathy, as well as approach any situation knowing that you come to them on their level. they think they are right, and it is up to you to show them the opposite (or agree with them).
there are 8 days remaining until the 6 month anniversary of frank's new blog. we are having a party, and you are invited. hope to see you here!
Sunday, May 27, 2018
cool thing 17
kort awoke to a familiar whirring sound. it was the kind of sound that makes the hairs on your body stand straight out. that is, it would if you had any. kort, as a matter of fact, did not have any hairs on his body. no, he was a motagori, an amphibian man--an amphibiman, if you will--hailing for the swampy bogs of pyl'g's moons. unlike the planet itself, the 7 moons of pyl'g are home to a wide variety of interesting flora and fauna, likely a result of the incredibly diverse set of biomes that covers the surfaces and the, relatively speaking, close proximity of the moons to each other. the phrase a stones throw away is readily applied to the moons of pyl'g, especially when considering an adult vab'gyl'ii is doing the throwing.
kort had come to hate the faint whirring sound. hate may be too strong a term, but he definitely had a strong distaste for it. upon hearing it, a dense brine always frothed from his nostrils. and his knorbs would stand out, stretching and contorting his skin and muscles in anticipation of donning the rift plates--the motagori ceremonial armour. ahead was the spilling of blood. ahead was glory. he could already smell it. or was that the brine?
soft golden reflections danced on the walls and ceiling as he emerged from his pool. kort didn't notice. his mind was totally empty, simply letting his muscle memory carry him through the passageways of the boki battlecruiser. water and muck avalanched from his frame with every step, merging with that of the other motagori warriors walking in front of him before sloshing through the floor grates. they too had been awoken by the whirring, which signaled the priming of the quantum teleporters. they too anticipated the battle to come. blood would be spilt, and there were preparations to make.
there are 9 days remaining until the 6 month anniversary of frank's new blog. we are having a party, and you are invited. hope to see you here!
Saturday, May 26, 2018
thank you for submissions
a special thank you to those of you who made a submission for frank's new blog's digital zine: volume 1, issue 1. our team of editors have been working hard, and I think you are really going to enjoy consuming the first digital zine by the fnb community, for the fnb community.
there are 10 days remaining until the 6 month anniversary of frank's new blog. we are having a party, and you are invited. hope to see you here!
-frank (sched.)
Friday, May 25, 2018
thinking of something sweet
it's because I found out about the new eu policy that requires me to give european union visitors information about cookies used and data collected on frank's new blog. I have to inform my loyal readers that my blog makes use of certain google and blogger cookies for creating data and statistics that the fnb team can then analyze. (this is how we have numbers to crunch in our quarterly reports. for the curious: we're a week away from our second quarterly report.) if you are in the eu, you will notice the banner that displays at the top of the page informing you about the use of cookies by blogger. if you are me, the webmaster, it is your responsibility to make sure the message displays. I have tested it, and it does display. and it does mention cookies.
so there, consider yourself informed. and consider me in the mood for some crisp, melty, homemade chocolate chip cookies.
the trouble is, I bought some german birkenstock sandals a few weeks ago, which means it is--and has been--summer. and that means it is hot and humid. who wants to turn on the oven when it is hot and humid? even when it would just be to 350 degrees for 20 minutes...
disaster. might just have to make up some dough and eat it raw and untamed. wish me luck.
happy friday
Thursday, May 24, 2018
good invention spotlight 010
did you know there are 25 different types of mechanisms that operate clocks? I'll name them for you:
- astronomical clock
- atomic clock
- candle clock
- congreve clock
- conical pendulum clock
- digital clock
- electric clock
- flip clock
- hourglass
- incense clock
- mechanical watch
- oil-lamp clock
- pendulum clock
- pipe organ clock
- projection clock
- pulsar clock
- quantum clock
- quartz clock
- radio clock
- rolling ball clock
- spring drive watch
- steam clock
- sundial
- torsion pendulum clock
- water clock
*embedded Instagram post replaced with image files 2018/12/11*
Wednesday, May 23, 2018
time capsule
be sure you pencil it in and set plenty of reminders on your calendars! this is sort of like a treasure hunt if you think about it. a treasure you can only find if you return under certain conditions--in this case aging 10 years. or I guess if time travel is utilized you could feasibly age any amount of time (from a couple seconds to any number of years). you just have to "travel" to a moment in time when the scheduled post would post, so essentially any time after may 23, 2028.
only you hold the key to the treasure.
Tuesday, May 22, 2018
friday is your last chance
we are approaching the release date of the first issue of frank's new blog's digital zine: volume 1. (which non-coincidentally also happens to be the six month anniversary of fnb!) this is just a friendly announcement that the deadline for your contributions to be published in this particular issue, issue 1, is this coming friday, APR 25th. any contributions received after friday (and possibly some of them that are received before the deadline depending on the content and how it fits with the other material in the zine) will appear in the second issue, which is scheduled for release in december. please email your contributions to
another reminder that the faq's (frequently asked questions) on submitting a contribution for the zine can be found by clicking here.
it is really starting to come together, and I can't wait to share it with us.
Monday, May 21, 2018
5 or 6 productivity tips to reframe and recharge
1 or 2. doing nothing is doing something.
this may sound a little silly, but when you stop and think about it, this is sooo true. the only time you can actually do nothing is when you are dead. and you and me, we obviously aren't dead. in fact, we are the only two people on the planet right now that we can confirm are 110% not dead. we are both breathing and thinking and smiling, the two of us. I suppose you could make the argument that if you are cryogenically frozen you are also doing nothing. but other than those two situations, you are always doing something! keep it up!
2 or 3. counter-productivity is just productivity in a different direction.
have you ever worked on a task and approached it the wrong way, or diverted down the wrong path, leaving you with hours of extra work and making everything harder for yourself? so has everyone else! and it's ok! just remember that, from a certain point of view, you were still quite productive. I always remind people of thomas edison, who, after failing thousands of times to make a working lightbulb, said that he didn't fail, but rather had found 2,000 ways not to make a lightbulb.
3 or 4. take a break, you deserve it.
you are only human, after all. don't burn yourself out. take a nap, eat a snack, doodle a doodle, go for a walk, do some jumjax™. plus, most importantly, think of how productive your break can be if you do any one of these things!
4 or 5. start with a series of small, easy tasks
have you ever made a snowman? you start with a tiny ball of snow, and slowly build up over time. alternatively, have you ever pushed a car starting from a stopped position? the initial push is the hardest part, but then you slowly start building momentum and you can really get the car rolling.
5 or 6. divide up big tasks into smaller ones
when you eat a double cheeseburger, you don't stick the entire thing in your mouth at once. that would be impossible! instead, you bite off manageable chunks. by the end you will have eaten an entire double cheeseburger! for example, if you have to do laundry, divide it up into the steps it takes to do laundry. maybe it would look something like this, but it varies from person to person: carry the dirty clothes to the designated clothes washing area, separate the clothing into the appropriate piles, check the pockets for change and pens, add the necessary detergent, put the clothes in the washer, select the wash cycle, turn on the washer. voila! look at all the tasks you have completed! when you combine this with tip 4 or 5 (not to be confused with tip 3 or 4 or this tip, tip 5 or 6), you will see your productivity fly off the charts.
stay with it!
-frank (sched.)
Sunday, May 20, 2018
cool thing 16
Saturday, May 19, 2018
a productive use of time
the only binding rules about TED talks and TEDx talks are that they have to fit within the allotted 18 minute time frame, and they have to be about almost anything. accounting, stocks, creativity, productivity, global issues, climate change, exercise, political musings, scientific discoveries, pseudo-scientific discoveries... the list goes on. and on.. and on!
I was thinking that I have a lot to say on important subjects, and that it would definitely be beneficial to others if I said those things in a format that is easily consumable, like a TED talk or TEDx talk. they are short, so you can queue up a dozen of them and binge them. or you can just catch one if you only have an 18 minute (or less) block of time... dare I say, convenient?
I guess you could say watching TED talks and TEDx talks is my newest hobby. like any good hobbyist, I would like to take it to the next level and try my hand at the competitive scene. maybe I will try to give a TEDx talk at the next TEDx talk event near me. I'll keep you updated.
Friday, May 18, 2018
blast, they did it again
my loyal readers, I hope you enjoy cool thing 5, accessible via the blogger video player below. unfortunately the quality is much lower than previous versions you have enjoyed, as blogger only allows video files below a certain size to be uploaded to their platform.
Thursday, May 17, 2018
good invention spotlight 009
here we have a double toggle switch on display. (bonus info: this particular double toggle panel is also part of two separate multiway switching networks.)
*embedded Instagram post replaced with image and video files 2018/12/11*
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
did you do it?
well, what are you waiting for? don't hang around here with me. go outside! go! quick! time is ticking away and these moments are precious. for example, if I live to be 100 years old, that means I've got 100 years - ~23.5 years = only ~76.5 years left! and that's assuming I make it to 100 years. (I probably will.) they say that the person who will live to 150 has already been born. part of me hopes it isn't me. that's a lot of blog posts to make, ha ha. but at the same time it would be cool to be the first... I like being thought of as an innovator, and that would certainly captivate the attention of the global audience.
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
a challenge
I know what some of you will say: "I expected to see clouds, and I saw them." sure, on that level. but I bet you didn't know what the clouds would look like. not really. or how many of them. or how they change. look at them changing. dancing around up there. look long and hard at them. or maybe you will see a person walking by. maybe it's a person you know, maybe it's not. maybe you'll never see them again. who can say? and don't forget to listen--or as a blind man once said, see with your ears. birds, cars, footsteps, conversations, whirring, buzzing. crying, laughing, cheering. silence.
you won't see anything like it again. this is it. enjoy it.
Monday, May 14, 2018
finally printed and in the mail
Sunday, May 13, 2018
cool thing 15
reminder: cool thing bonus points can be earned in two ways: 1. by completing cool thing bonus activities and 2. awarded at my discretion for comments deemed to be particularly cool.
Saturday, May 12, 2018
so hot right now
it is summer and it is hot. I have been walking around town in my new sandals and now I am both sweaty and steaming. hopefully this heatwave breaks soon and we get back to the cooler temperatures more typical for the time of year (early summer). it is currently 74 degrees fahrenheit (that's 23 degrees celcius for my friends around the world that use the celcius scale for measuring temperature) and that's at night! don't get me started on the humidity. earlier when the sun was beating down it was really roasting, but luckily there was a refreshing breeze to cool me down.
enjoy the outdoors. here's to fireworks and shooting stars.
Friday, May 11, 2018
lucky moments
I would say this situation would be comparable to figuring out the perfect plan for winning the lottery. you have the rough details for a surefire victory, but you still have to put the plan into motion. now you have to arrange the piece, hire an orchestra to perform it, record it, shop it to studios, draw up a contract, go on a press tour, etc. the brainwork is done, now it's time for the legwork.
sometimes being so effortlessly creative is hard, but that's the price you pay when you're a renaissance man like me.
p.s. if anyone has any contacts in the orchestra industry please reach out to me, either in the comments below or by emailing thank you in advance.
Thursday, May 10, 2018
good invention spotlight 008
*embedded Instagram post replaced with image file and comment 2018/12/11*
Wednesday, May 9, 2018
very interesting resource
meagan j. brennan, the postmaster, general, provides this absolutely perfect soundbite in the first line of her letter:
I salute you, madam postmaster, general. I couldn't agree more. you've so eloquently hit the nail on the head. overall, the report shares a lot of really great data and information. but don't just take my word for it, you can check it out yourself and take a deep dive into the data by clicking here.the united states postal service plays a vital role in american commerce and binds the nation together through secure, reliable, affordable and universal mail delivery. -meagan j. brennan, postmaster, general
Tuesday, May 8, 2018
now that we have made it
so feel free to use fnb when discussing the blog with others!
additionally, I just wanted to give you a heads up so you can get your creative juices flowing: fnb is looking for a logo. we are officially 28 days away from the official launch of the competition, so there's plenty of time before the designs would need to be finalized. you can find out more about it in the first issue of frank's new blog's digital zine: volume 1, issue 1. (coming june 5th!)
speaking of frank's new blog's digital zine: volume 1, be sure to get any content submissions turned in to, or else you will definitely have to wait for a later issue to see your contribution published! just a reminder, you can view the faq's here.
Monday, May 7, 2018
thank you for your recommendations (sarcasm)
*embedded Instagram post replaced with image file 2018/12/11*
This place is a little dusty
Hm. This place is a little dusty. I bet you are wondering what on Earth I have been up to for the last 16 months! (Wow, that's a long ti...
Somebody has got to pick them up. Or do they. .. They are called "leaves" after all, as in "I will leave them right ther...
does anyone know
I messed up I messed up I messed up. bad. I was waiting for natalie portman to come on the tv for snl and I fell asleep during the commercia...