Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Must be on vacation

So I've had another three physical therapy sessions since my last post, and it is safe to say that I don't have a lot to report. By that I mean I didn't get a chance to share any jumjax™ information with the physical therapy staff.

On Friday, things went well again, but Emma wasn't there, so I couldn't inform her about the database, now hosted on IMDb. Things went so well, in fact, that they told me I wouldn't have to come to any more Friday sessions and would move to a Monday-Wednesday schedule going forward. That's ok with me, because my range of motion is returning rapidly, so I have no problem with that. And, as an aside, I've gotten pretty good at using crutches to get around. It's actually kind of fun in some ways--like constantly pole vaulting around! Along came Monday, and things went ok again, except still Emma wasn't there, and I thought to myself: Did I imagine her? What the heck! Maybe she isn't real! Good news, when I went and looked at the bulletin board in the hallway, her picture and name were posted on the wall. I definitely did not hallucinate her after my accident! After all, I was concussed and pretty badly beat up from being hit by a red Ford F-150 truck (2012). The bad news is she wasn't there Monday and she wasn't there today either. I tried talking with Scott about jumping jacks, but he just wasn't enthusiastic or laughing.

I'm not sure how many more sessions I will get to go to the Physical Therapy facility now that I am only going two days a week, but I really think the Jumjax™ Database could be a fun resource for physical therapists to use or just enjoy. The trouble is finding a physical therapist you gel with so you can share this kind of stuff!

Maybe next week. Counting down the hours.


  1. Whatever happened to the blog?

    1. This is a pretty good question, but it probably would have made more sense to ask "Whatever happened to Frank?" It is a really interesting story, and could definitely be made into a feature film or even a miniseries. (By the way, that movie or even miniseries would be added to the jumpjax™ database as it would likely heavily feature jumping jack exercises.)


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