Monday, December 3, 2018

New Word

I have decided to create a new word. Why? Why not!!?

Words haven't always been around. Over thousands of years, people have created them out of the blue--sometimes with purpose, sometimes on accident. "What's this?" "This... this is a wheel." Occasionally they are made by pulling inspiration from other words, but in this particular case the word is 100% brand new and original. The word is zorfastore.

What does it mean? Who cares!?

It's a new word that's fun to say. Zorfastore. (I think it sounds something like /zhor-fahs-tor/.) It's a word created out of the love of merely creating--not because there is a need or practicality. There isn't some new device or invention; there isn't some new application. Zorfastore. Zorfastore. This word is totally useless!

Let me know how you end up using it. I will leave it to society to decide what to do with it.


There are 2 days to the 1 year anniversary of FNB!!!

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