Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Cool Thing 45 / Inktober 13



Here we are, the final Inktober of Inktober. Number 13! Quite fittingly, number 13 on the 31st. We at FNB couldn't have planned it better! And it's Halloween to top it all off! Spooky, unlucky number 13. Superstitious anyone?

This piece is titled Rock (v. III). It is the third version of our classic Rock piece, but this one has something else going on. First, 5 different colors of ink were used in its creation. You might also notice this rock is traveling in space. I wanted to point out that "shooting star" is actually a bit of a misnomer--it isn't a star that is rocketing across the cosmos. "Shooting rock," while less glamourous or Hollywood, would be a more appropriate term to use.

There are now 45/52 cool things created in 2018. That leaves only 7 left for your viewing, listening, reading, pleasure. 7--a lucky number.

I think when it comes right down to it, this Rocktober we've discovered that rocks really.. rock! Imagine being a shooting rock, streaking all over the universe. As a rock, you are foundationally sound, strong, stoic. As a shooting rock, you are also very adventurous and have incredible views. Not a bad combo.

My loyal readers, thanks for coming along on this Inktober journey with me! It has been a lot of fun to participate in this Internet phenomenon (even though I still think Rocktober fits better than Inktober). I'm not sure I'll ever understand why people designated this month for this activity, but sometimes you don't have to understand; you just have to go along for the ride on this, the road trip of life ©.

-Frank (sched.)

Cool Thing 44 / Inktober 12



Some of you may be familiar with a thought experiment called "What if..." In this experiment, a scenario is given a new set of variables. For example, one might say "What if you missed the bus?" or "What if a bird perched on your shoulder right now?"

Today's Inktober points to an aspect that I like to call the Cliff If. The thought experiment takes a more specific focus by always shifting the setting of a situation to a cliffside. Say you are mowing the lawn--an average task. Until you apply the Cliff If. You are now mowing the lawn which is on top of a cliff! One wrong step and you could find yourself and your mower tumbling over the edge, into the abyss. I find this experiment usually adds a heightened sense of danger and excitment, but it can also add awe, wonder, and a greater sense of scale. "Ahh, there's a spider in my room!" [Apply the Cliff If.] "There's a spider on a cliff! Wow, he or she is so small compared to this cliff. She or he is just up here living life, with this incredible view of the world. I wonder if this spider knows what a great view they have..."

There are now 44/52 cool things created in 2018. That leaves only 8 left for your viewing, listening, reading, pleasure. We are getting closer and closer to completing our 2018 goal!

Everything is about perspective when it comes right down to it.

-Frank (sched.)

Monday, October 29, 2018

Cool Thing 43 / Inktober 11



Four different pens were pulled out for this one. They held black, blue, green, and purple ink. Together they created something quite peaceful, Glen. I wouldn't mind sitting on one of those rocks and soaking my feet in the stream. That clearing is a good looking place for a nap, I tell you what. The water looks fresh, the air smells of pine needles--a nice place to take a load off and relax.

There are now 43/52 cool things created in 2018. That leaves only 9 left for your viewing, listening, reading, pleasure. (Single digits!)

An important thing to remember... to relax. That's it. Close your eyes. That's freedom. You're there right now. Or whenever you want to be.

-Frank (sched.)

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Cool Thing 42 / Inktober 10

We're about to roll over to November, but before we do...


It's Rocktober, Baby! When I think of rock, I think of a few words... Solid. Hearty. Full. Sick licks, and tight kicks. It's possible nothing epitomizes rock as much as an electric guitar, but I'm no expert. (Alright, maybe an expansive drum kit. That would be pretty rock.) The truth is, more things can be thought of as rock than just these common symbols. In fact, more things should be. A refreshing beverage? Yep, that's rock. A good nights sleep? That's rock. Totally solid. And essential as well, just like rocks. Rocks make up our homes, our foundation. Our World.

There are now 42/52 cool things created in 2018. That leaves only 10 left for your viewing, listening, reading, pleasure. (The countdown continues.)

Things can be messed up in our world sometimes, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't strive for rock. It only means we need to strive harder.

-Frank (sched.)

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Cool Thing 41 / Inktober 9

Bringing it together.


We revisit an old classic today, with a reimagining of Rock, our first Inktober creation from October 19th. This piece is titled Rock, v.2 (version 2). You might notice the uniting of several features used previously (vanishing points, red ink, black ink, blue ink, shading techniques, etc.) to create an interesting display.

There are now 41/52 cool things created in 2018. That leaves only 11 left for your viewing, listening, reading, pleasure. (The countdown continues.)

Definitely an interesting cohesion from the uniting of these various forms.

-Frank (sched.)

Friday, October 26, 2018

Cool Thing 40 / Inktober 8

This one is going to require some further details to really appreciate.


Yes, it is true. Green ink on paper here for a sketch that's a bit alien (ha ha). You might not be familiar with the Story of the Addled Mind Stones. That is what is depicted here, albeit roughly. Tor'galith Ra'u is seen (front, right) surrounded by the mysterious floating stones. His psyche is in a state of confusion (it's a long story), and, sensing as much, the stones internal kinetic energy is in a state of hyperactivity, which causes their molecules to move so rapidly that the stones become lighter than the very air around them (this causing them to float). As the molecules move faster and faster, they create static discharges, filling the air with streaking lights in the space around the mind stones. My favorite part may be Tor'galith's Yuumo companion Truog, pictured clutching a mind stone and being lifted into the air (all while sitting in a chair!). Of course, this entire event only makes Tor'galith and Truog more confused, which further amplifies the dance of the mind stones, as it were. An incredible sight.

There are now 40/52 cool things created in 2018. That leaves only 12 left for your viewing, listening, reading, pleasure. (The countdown continues.)

The world of Zig'rutha is an interesting place to explore, that's for sure.

-Frank (sched.)

This place is a little dusty

Hm. This place is a little dusty. I bet you are wondering what on Earth I have been up to for the last 16 months! (Wow, that's a long ti...