Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Cool Thing 44 / Inktober 12



Some of you may be familiar with a thought experiment called "What if..." In this experiment, a scenario is given a new set of variables. For example, one might say "What if you missed the bus?" or "What if a bird perched on your shoulder right now?"

Today's Inktober points to an aspect that I like to call the Cliff If. The thought experiment takes a more specific focus by always shifting the setting of a situation to a cliffside. Say you are mowing the lawn--an average task. Until you apply the Cliff If. You are now mowing the lawn which is on top of a cliff! One wrong step and you could find yourself and your mower tumbling over the edge, into the abyss. I find this experiment usually adds a heightened sense of danger and excitment, but it can also add awe, wonder, and a greater sense of scale. "Ahh, there's a spider in my room!" [Apply the Cliff If.] "There's a spider on a cliff! Wow, he or she is so small compared to this cliff. She or he is just up here living life, with this incredible view of the world. I wonder if this spider knows what a great view they have..."

There are now 44/52 cool things created in 2018. That leaves only 8 left for your viewing, listening, reading, pleasure. We are getting closer and closer to completing our 2018 goal!

Everything is about perspective when it comes right down to it.

-Frank (sched.)

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