Friday, October 26, 2018

Cool Thing 40 / Inktober 8

This one is going to require some further details to really appreciate.


Yes, it is true. Green ink on paper here for a sketch that's a bit alien (ha ha). You might not be familiar with the Story of the Addled Mind Stones. That is what is depicted here, albeit roughly. Tor'galith Ra'u is seen (front, right) surrounded by the mysterious floating stones. His psyche is in a state of confusion (it's a long story), and, sensing as much, the stones internal kinetic energy is in a state of hyperactivity, which causes their molecules to move so rapidly that the stones become lighter than the very air around them (this causing them to float). As the molecules move faster and faster, they create static discharges, filling the air with streaking lights in the space around the mind stones. My favorite part may be Tor'galith's Yuumo companion Truog, pictured clutching a mind stone and being lifted into the air (all while sitting in a chair!). Of course, this entire event only makes Tor'galith and Truog more confused, which further amplifies the dance of the mind stones, as it were. An incredible sight.

There are now 40/52 cool things created in 2018. That leaves only 12 left for your viewing, listening, reading, pleasure. (The countdown continues.)

The world of Zig'rutha is an interesting place to explore, that's for sure.

-Frank (sched.)

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