Thursday, August 2, 2018

5 fun things to do in august

there are a lot of fun things you can do in august. here are 5 recommendations from the fnb team!

  • go for a walk
walking is a good way to clear the mind and get some exercise. alternatively, you could try doing some jumjax. the one complaint you might have with jumjax is that you don't get the same change of scenery you can from a walk. I understand this complaint, but I also recommend mixing the two! pause every few paces while you are walking and do some jumping jacks!

  • eat some ice cream
a neat sweat treat to eat to beat the heat. ha ha. great!

  • do something creative
it can be anything! paint a painting, sculpt a sculpture, film a film, write a story. your own creativity is the sky and it stretches into the far reaches of space!

  • learn a new language
there's no time like the present to impress women from other countries and even your own country with your mastery of multiple languages. globe trekker! person of culture! renaissance man!

  • make lemonade
a sultry summer afternoon calls for a bit of light refreshment, and lemonade is a perfect refreshment for august. chill with ice cubes for maximum satisfaction.

good luck out there!



  1. Think I'm going to try to do all of these tomorrow, and max out on fun. I'll report back how it goes.

    1. I didn't have lemonade mix so I couldn't do it. Was going to try to do it today but I've already wasted much of the day. I will still make it happen though

    2. here's an interesting tip: if you don't have lemonade mix, you can still make lemonade. all you need is 1. lemons or lemon juice, 2. some sugar, 3. water, 4. ice cubes (optional). combine these ingredients in a glass or pitcher depending on number of servings desired. (I recommend adding the sugar a small amount at a time until you get the desired flavor balance.) that's all there is to it. enjoy.

  2. I have run out of steam. Today, I made lemonade, went for a walk, and ate ice cream (for breakfast!). However, I am feeling too tired to learn a language or do anything creative. Making that lemonade really wore me out!

    1. this is curious. the ice cream and lemonade feasibly should have given you lots of energy from the present sugar value, especially when coupled with a walk to get the blood pumping. hmm... c'est la vie! I hope it at least was refreshing.


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