Sunday, February 4, 2018

cool thing 5

it took 12 years to make.

week 5 is locked and loaded. hold on to your seats.....

COOL THING JAN 29th - FEB 4th:

it's mash-up time. oh yes. today it's natalie's raps SYNCED. yes, natalie's rap 2 (aired 02/03/2018) and natalie portman raps (aired 03/04/06) both happening at the same time and given an epic speed boost for maximum flair.

it's like poetry, it rhymes

yes, here is another cool thing. we're on 5/52 things that will make you say "cool." which one has been your favorite so far?

-frank (sched.)

1 comment:

  1. HAHA LOVE IT!!!!

    I would love to be in one of your films if you ever made one. You know where to reach me! ;)


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