Wednesday, July 31, 2019

OK session

Got out of the house today for the first physical therapy session since release. It went OK. I'm scheduled for PT (Physical Therapy) on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for the first 2 weeks, and then it will switch to just Mondays and Wednesdays until the cast comes off. Hopefully that will happen within a few weeks of that occurrence, at which point we'll reassess, naturally. I've got a great team of physical therapists working with me, and they are super positive and encouraging, and they really know their stuff. Big shout out to them making this entire ordeal a manageable experience. Emma wasn't there today so I didn't ask her about movies or even TV shows. (This would be a lead-in to me mentioning the Jumjax™ Database, which I think she would enjoy, maybe even if she isn't a fan of movies. As a physical therapist, it might be just the thing to help her discover her love of movies--seeing jumping jacks on the silver screen!) Scott was working with me today. He's not as good at banter. I said to him, "Scott Lang, big fan." He must have missed the reference though.

I will say this: I am getting better at using crutches going up and down stairs, which gives me much greater license to move around the house. At first I was sitting on my butt and moving one step at a time! Ha ha. Slow going, but the tortoise did beat the hare. Anyway I am now hopping up the stairs instead and it's way faster. I guess I'm a pretty quick innovator/learner, since it's just the 3rd day home. I do have to stop and rest part way up and down, so I try not to make too many trips during the day, but on the Physical Therapy guidelines it does say that it's important to be active and not just sit around all day.

Another day closer to normalcy. xxoo,

Monday, July 29, 2019

On July 6th

On July 6th I was hit by a car. Sorry I have been away for so long. I have been in the hospital and rehabilitation facility undergoing treatment and rehabilitation for the severe muscle tears and "road burn" along the right side of my body, and for my left leg, which was broken in two places. I asked my dad to post on my blog to let everyone know what was going on, as he did when I spent time in jail, but he told me that I should "forget about the blog, this is serious. This is really serious, and you need to realize that this is real life. You don't have to post every day on some blog. It will be just fine if you miss a few days." I told him I hadn't been posting daily since 2018, and he said that wasn't the point, but I think he actually just didn't realize. I left it anyway, and to be honest quickly moved on from thinking about the blog at all. It was really serious. Let me back up a bit...

Between 3:30 and 3:40 pm on July 6th I was riding my bike across an intersection when a red Ford F-150 truck (2012) failed to stop at a light, which was also red. The truck careened into me at 35 miles per hour and sent me sprawling into the intersection (and did a pretty good number on my bike, too--that is to say, my bike is totaled). On the impact with the truck, my leg broke in two places; a partial break and a full break. I didn't know this at the time, and I don't remember anything from the moment of impact except a moment of extreme pain. I remember thinking I was probably dead. This was it. And it all happened so fast. My life happened so fast, not only the impact with the vehicle.

Luckily I was not dead. A United States Postal Carrier from the USPS was traveling in the southbound lane, and happened to be trained in first aid from their time working as a youth baseball coach for the city's recreation department. Suffice to say, it was an incredible series of lucky breaks for my incredibly unlucky breaks. The Carrier rushed to my aid and kept me stable until the paramedics arrived. I must admit I have never much liked the game of baseball, but now I see the great value it can provide to society.

I was transported via ambulance to the local hospital, where I underwent multiple scans and a, I am happy to report, successful surgery. As the doctors told me, I was extremely lucky. I didn't point out to them that I was also extremely unlucky to be hit by the red Ford F-150 truck (2012). I suppose it all balances out in the end, luck.

Keep in mind, I learned all this information second and even third hand. It is strange to know you can be a non-active participant in your own life, but here I am with no recollection of anything until waking up on July 7th in immense pain, bandages, and a cast.

Over the 3 weeks that followed, I was in constant discomfort. I have never suffered a broken bone or a severe injury before, and I have never spent time in a hospital and rehabilitation center, but now I have experienced both. The pain became more manageable by the day, but the worst part is the sitting around. The inability to move and exercise at the level you are accustomed to. I could no longer (and still can not) do a jumping jack. This is the ideal exercise, and it has been taken from me. There is a lot to adjust to. 

Today is my first day back at home. I am using crutches to get around, but don't imagine I'll be doing much getting around. I've not got much energy. The weeks ahead will be long, but Emma from the rehab center told me that it is really impressive the progress I have made so far, which is encouraging to hear. I told her about jumping jacks being the ideal exercise and she laughed and agreed and then I said I liked to shorten it by calling them "jumjax" which she seemed to like. I am thinking about telling her about the Jumjax Database, but I don't know if she would think that was cool or not. I'm not sure if she likes movies. I am still in discomfort, but hopefully in a few weeks when I can lose the crutches things will get easier. I've almost regained full motion of my arm, but my body still feels slow. It's just tough, it really is.

Thanks for reading.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

just stopping by to say hey, can't stay long

hey everyone,

it is me again, frank from JUL 11th. no, not today, haha. well.. it is technically today for you. for me it is JUL 11th 2018, not JUL 11th 2019.

I hope that all is well with you and yours. hard to believe I'm setting foot one year into the future...I don't imagine many other humans have achieved something like this! I've been zipping and zapping around through time and, like I said, I really can't stay long, because there are a lot of places I want to go, but I'm short on time to visit them all! 10 years from now? yep. think bigger. 100? why not. and bigger. 1,000?! yes. all of you will be dead, and I'll still be out here exploring time, and meeting all kinds of people. your children, maybe. your children's children's children. the robotic programs who survive longer then even them.

anyways, I'm going out of town tomorrow (that's my tomorrow, not your tomorrow) on a long trip out into nature, and I guess the strange thing about it is that you will know all about the outcome, and I won't know a thing about it, yet I get to go further into the future than any human has gone before! time travel really makes my head spin. definitely advantages and disadvantages to being in both situations. I think I'd take mine over yours, though... the vastness of time laid out before me, to explore to my heart's content.

other frank: remember, I've been to the past and I'm heading to the future as well, just like you. our paths will cross again! see you there! fnb community: it is good to see you all in good health and enjoying yourselves. keep it up.

we will see each other again,

-frank (sched.)

Monday, July 1, 2019

Monday Minute 014

The Monday Minute! is a new series that will provide weekly updates for loyal readers on the titles that have been added to the Jumjax Database and our newly accessible IMDb tracking lists.

Jumjax Database: New Additions

The Monday Minute! posts have been accidentally growing into Monday Multiple Minutes!, so efforts have been made to reign in the total length and cut to the chase. If it takes more than a minute to read about the newly added titles, that's false branding. Being concise is key with these sort of things.

The newly added titles are:

Paths of Glory (1957) - 88 minutes

A war without sense, a war without soldiers training (or even blowing off some steam) by knocking out some jumping jacks. Negligent officers. My men would have taken the Ant Hill. 1/10. Not recommended.

Max (2015) - 111 minutes

No jumping jacks in another movie with bad soldiers. I did enjoy the bike tricks, and obviously dog marines are heroes, but I cannot recommend this film. 1/10. Not recommended.

[Akira Kurosawa's] Dreams (1990) - 119

I was thinking a dream sequence would be the perfect place for jumping jacks, but then I realized I have never personally dreamed about jumping jacks... Suppose I can't hold it against Mr. Kurosawa. He could have included them anyway and no one would have known if it was really something he dreamed. 1/10. Not recommended.

I just timed myself and it took me 47 seconds to read about the new titles. (And I purposefully read them slowly, too.) Also, all three of these movies focus on the horrors of war--another week with a cool theming bonus.

xxoo, always yours

This place is a little dusty

Hm. This place is a little dusty. I bet you are wondering what on Earth I have been up to for the last 16 months! (Wow, that's a long ti...