The Monday Minute! is a new series that will provide weekly updates for loyal readers on the titles that have been added to the Jumjax™ Database and our newly accessible IMDb tracking lists.
Jumjax™ Database: New Additions
Just one new addition this update (and a further explanation).
- Films and Television Shows That Utilize Jumping Jacks
- Films and Television Shows That Do Not Utilize Jumping Jacks
The newly added title is as follows:
Tampopo (1985) - 114 minutes
The internet goes crazy about ramen, so this movie is one many may enjoy. It's a Ramen Western! Ha ha. Mixed with strange vignettes that are unrelated to the main story. Would it have been so hard to include something else the internet goes crazy about? (Jumping jacks.) They would have fit perfectly in the Rocky-like chef training montage. You know what pairs well with cardio, limited space, busy schedule? Yes, jumping jacks! At least give them their own vignette. Come on, Itami! (The director of this film. He is now dead, so that isn't really a statement directed directly to him, just more of an in general statement.) 1/10. Not recommended.
I also jumped in on the popular culture bandwagon and watched the newest episode of Game of Thrones (2011- ). There are a lot of characters to keep sorted! It almost reminded me of the heydays of activity here on FNB. Almost. Given that the former and latter episodes in the series remain unconfirmed for jumjax™ activity (or the lack thereof), and IMDb--while incredibly gracious hosts--are slightly limiting for our particular database desires via their inability to notate individual episodes in lists, vis-a-vis, this will have to mark the first partial notation for our database as it currently exists. Season 8, Episode 1: no jumping jacks. Series rating: 1/10. Not recommended at this moment (rating may change if narrative builds to something more dynamic in future episodes).
That's all for now.
xxoo, always yours
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