Thursday, September 27, 2018

How to get a record company to produce my music

Does anyone know someone who works at a record company? I am hoping to get my music produced. (This is for my band "Arachnid Redemption" or "Saints and Spiders" or a name that is similar to those. The band name hasn't been finalized yet.)

Should I put together a package and do a mass mailing to many record labels or have a more focused approach? I am wondering about setting up a tour to correspond with the album release. What record companies would be accommodating to this? Will record companies supply food and travel vouchers for the tour? With how many record companies can I sign? Why do most music artists only sign with one at a time? Will a record company supply a website to sell band merchandise? (I think everyone was really pumped by the album art from Cool Thing 31 and would love to have a mug with that design.)

Any recommendations you may have would be greatly appreciated. I am looking for some guidance.


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