Friday, September 7, 2018

Hello to Frank's friends. This is Frank's dad. He gave me a set of instructions to follow, so bear with me. He was very adamant that I "write out exactly" this information to you ASAP.

Frank's message:

"My loyal readers,

It pains me that I am missing these blog posts. Many of you will remember the legal problems I had many months ago. Long story short, the judge did not accept the many community service hours that I spent here on Frank's Blog as fulfillment of my court mandated community service hours. This has come back to bite me. (Frank's dad would like to add: the community service requirement is very simple, and if you hadn't been so lazy, this wouldn't be a problem.) I am serving a 14 day jail sentence as a result. (Frank's dad would like to add it is a very deserved sentence. Please learn something from it.)

I know this comes at a time when the future of the blog remains uncertain. Just like the cryptocurrency market, we are in freefall. We are separated from the International Space Station during a space walk. We are adrift at sea. We are a needle in a haystack. We are Icarus.

I eagerly await my freedom when I can return to FNB. On the plus side, I will have lots of time to think.

See you on the other side,

- Frank"

While I have your attention, get off the internet and go outside! Go do ANYTHING! OK. And don't do dumb! Think! You're smart kids, so act like it.

- Frank's dad


  1. Hope you are doing ok in jail, stay safe in there

  2. Hang in there Frank, I'm worried about you. And hello Frank's dad!

    Bobody, we should keep the blog rolling here in the comments. With Frank in jail, it is up to us to keep FNB alive and well.

    1. Natalie,

      Thank you. Thank you so, so much.


  3. Good thinking Natalie. I'll start with a haiku

    Frank is now in jail
    What are we supposed to do
    Its just me and you

  4. Fantastic, Bobody. Your creative side is very impressive. You may even be as talented as Frank!

    I'm spending the day working on a watercolor. I'm learning how to paint. I'll try to upload it when I'm done if I can.

  5. I can't upload the painting!! Frank's dad, if you see this, is there any way you can help me out?

    1. Hi again Natalie!

      This is Frank and not Frank's dad, ha ha. He's not much help at all. He even made a very dorky and embarrassing post when I specifically told him not to make a dorky and embarrassing post LOL.

      I'm not sure the best way to share the watercolor, but I would love to see it! You can either post a comment with a link to it on a different site, or attach it in an email to and I will be sure to share it with the community.

  6. Replies
    1. Can I help you with anything, Anonymous? I am back now. Luckily my dad didn't log in again to post anything else that was embarrassing or weird.


This place is a little dusty

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