Friday, August 17, 2018

now it is tomorrow.

was that so hard? waiting until tomorrow from yesterday? it wasn't. grow up.

and scene.

I hope no one was too taken-aback by the seemingly flippant approach I have utilized in the past two posts. I was playing a character. yesterday's post and today's post (before the scene ended above) were intentionally built this way as a tool for a quick discussion of impatience. in this scenario, a person asks if something can wait until tomorrow with language like "geez" as well as quick, stabbing words like "now? really?" they seem burdened by the task of asking for more time, for patience. furthermore, when the time finally comes that the person is available, they belittle those on the other side of the equation. "was that so hard?" they snap, "it wasn't." this is followed by the final, echoing statement "grow up." you can feel it reverberating, with each pass careening into and gnashing at the target, again and again. biting words. words with venom.

in the scenario, we don't know anything about the target. it's possible they are being incredibly rude, or just downright annoying, but this is all the more reason to keep your cool. you see, we are all bound by time as we perceive it. there is no way around this for any of us (yet)--at least in mortal terms--so it's important to take a step back and remind ourselves we are all victims to the moment. this is something that even someone like me can struggle with.

patience, as it were, is a matter of being bigger than the moment. the person in the scenario could have served their target and themselves better by not being so dismissive and flippant. something more like this: 

yesterday. I am busy at the moment.

hello, I am busy at the moment, but I will get back to you tomorrow.

thanks for understanding.

tomorrow. I am now free.

hello again, I am now free. I am no longer busy. what is it I can do for you? (or, alternatively: I can help you now. or, if you did the thing they wanted: it is finished.)

notice that each makes it very clear the state of affairs. "I am busy at the moment" and "I am now free." opening with a greeting is also a good way to keep things cordial. "hello." they are welcomed into conversation with you, a patient person.

each of us are, you know. I mean bigger than the moment. we are uncontained, and don't you forget it.


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