Thursday, June 28, 2018

bobody request: time perception

I suppose bobody has a curious mind... at any rate, my loyal readers, his questions have brought this--yet another "bobody request"--into existence. and so, a bit of an impromptu series is forming here on fnb. this time, he made a comment on the post they say it's old... from last saturday. I've included the image below for context.

it really is to be expected at this point...

time: as we perceive it

tick. tock. tick. tock. time is ticking by. but what is time, really? can you riddle me that? no? allow me, then. time is how we measure our linear advancement through existence.

the linear flow

to illustrate this, think of a song playing in itunes, the music management utility created by apple for ipods, iphones, ipads. it can be a song you like or do not like, that does not matter. what matters is thinking of how the song plays. it starts at the beginning, and the playhead progresses through the song, showing the advancement in the progress meter. it moves linearly, in the same way we experience our lives. our lives are like that song playing in itunes, starting as baby humans and growing into elderly humans. the playhead is us as we experience the present, moving through existence. the part of the song already played is the past, and the part of the song yet to play is the future.

and so, when I made the digression in the aforementioned post "I'm talking about things that have been around for years (as we perceive time)," I meant exactly that. time in the linear form; the ticks and tocks in which we experience the future becoming the present becoming the past. the trees, antiques, antiquities, and so forth (old things) have been around for years in this linear format. but to another lifeform, another viewpoint, another point of perception, an alternate experience of time, this may not be the case.

once again, I hope that clears things up.

-frank (sched.)


  1. I went on a wilderness experience for a week (in time as we perceive it) and have been away from the blog. This is a great answer! I love the impromptu series!

    1. I have a 10 day wilderness experience planned as well coming up. that's a lot of scheduled posts to make ha ha


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