Saturday, June 2, 2018

another way you can tell it is summer

the road trip. is it dead like blogging? first of all, blogging is alive and well. did you see our report from the second quarter? it has been saved since 2017 when we, fnb, singlehandedly saved it. (you're welcome.) secondly, it is now summer. and that means it is road trip season.

I also know it is alive because I went on a mini road trip today. thinking about some more major ones in the near future. get out into the outdoors and look around. there's so much to see out there. ..what are we spending so much time plugged in to our digital devices for? look at all this interstate!

life is about balance and road trips are also about balance (keeping your vehicle from falling over).


there are   3   days remaining until the 6 month anniversary of frank's new blog. we are having a party, and you are invited. hope to see you here!


  1. I have spent the last 3 days just thinking about road trips. By means of my diligent blog discipleship, I may have synced up my brain with yours.


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