Thursday, March 1, 2018

what I learned

we held off march as long as we could. it's true what they say. taking a picture does make it last longer. great job, everyone. there were moments where I honestly thought february would never end. there were moments where I wished it would (hint: it wouldn't). but now, it has.

what I've learned:
  1. it's ok to slow down, and to slow things down.
  2. look around every once in awhile. you might like what you see.
  3. it reminds me of the tortoise and the hare. I think you'll agree.
  4. just because something is small doesn't mean it can't be big, like with business.
  5. february doesn't have to feel short even though it's only 28, sometimes 29 days long.
  6. time is what you make of it.
all good lessons, I think you'll agree...

which is why we at frank's new blog are happy to announce the creation of our instagram (username: bigbusinessinsider). this newest project here at frank's new blog will be devoted to taking the time to slow things down and enjoy the little things.

take a moment to slow things down and look around, ok?

*embedded Instagram post replaced with image file 2018/12/11*

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